Some unexpected changes led to a mother leaving Planned Parenthood during our May Torchbearers event. The day started with a tour of a Pregnancy Decision Health Center, so that our counselors could better describe their life-saving services to families in need. After Mass and Reconciliation, we led our third street evangelization.
While talking to people about abortion, we were able to share the Gospel in both conversations and through the holy cards we passed out. One woman told us that she thought abortion was permissible in hard situations. After a short conversation and looking at photos of abortion victims, she changed her mind and rejected abortion in all circumstances. We were also able to talk to a homeless man named Philip. We shared the fullness of the Christian faith with him and invited him to Mass before praying over him and giving him directions to a housing ministry. During our outreach though, we realized that there was no one counseling at Planned Parenthood. Knowing how critical it is that someone is always there to pray and help turn mothers away, my little sister and nephew left our street outreach to go to the abortion facility. My sister soon called to tell me that she had walked a young mother over to the pregnancy resource center. “R” had just moved to Ohio and does not feel like she is in a place to have a baby. Because Rachael left for Planned Parenthood early though, she was able to get R to leave her abortion counseling appointment and get real help and support at the resource center. God is good! Rachael was able to get R’s number and is still in contact with her. Please pray that R’s baby will be spared from abortion!
After the rest of our team arrived at Planned Parenthood, I was able to talk for over an hour to a Planned Parenthood supporter who is a fallen-away Catholic. Jessica had been very hurt in her past, embraced so much of the evil our culture currently promotes, and was lost in so many ways. In the end, she took a miraculous medal though. When we make ourselves available, the Holy Spirit will use us in incredible ways to reach souls! EVENT UPDATE: I am currently reaching out to two parishes to see if either or both will host a Eucharistic procession to Planned Parenthood. Please pray for this to be successful if it be God’s will.
Our monthly Torchbearer events include training on apologetics and counseling, Mass and reconciliation, street evangelization with a pro-life focus, counseling at Planned Parenthood, and adoration. Torchbearer events take place on the first Tuesday of each month (the next one being August 3rd). Please contact me if you are interested and please invite others! We would love to have you! Thank you so much for your support and prayers! AMDG!
All for Jesus, all through Mary and Joseph, all by God's grace, Gabriel, Anna, Gabriel II, Leo and Henry Vance