“Then Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the LORD…’” -Luke 1:46
All that Mary does perfectly gives glory to God. By entrusting all that we are and all that we have to Jesus in Mary, we can be sure that she uses all we offer to glorify God in the greatest possible way- much outside our own ability. This is why soon after our founding last year, we consecrated our apostolate to Mary, especially under her title as Our Lady of America. To help us better love and serve Jesus and Mary as their slaves, we also consecrated our efforts to St. Joseph. Recalling these entrustments during the month dedicated to St. Joseph, in which we celebrate the glorious solemnity of the Annunciation, we continue to ask their intercession to help us magnify our mission for God’s glory!
In March, we led street evangelizations at two new campuses to share the Gospel of Life! Eight youth, including a young man joining us for the first time, came to our monthly Torchbearers event. After opening in adoration and a training on addressing and evangelizing different worldviews, we went to Mass and received a blessing from Fr. Frassiti. Our team then loaded up the van to lead outreach at Ohio Dominican University, my alma mater. Although it is a Catholic school, the majority of students are not practicing Catholics and pro-life displays have been vandalized there in the past. None of the students who stopped at our table were Catholic, but several of them took rosaries. Nate was a Protestant who went to Catholic school. He shared with us that he loves going to Mass and even believes in the Real Presence. We encouraged him to join the Church and receive Our Lord in the Eucharist! A young woman named Gretchen changed her mind on abortion and stayed to hear about the Catholic faith. Our team also spoke to a recent Catholic convert who was still on the fence about abortion, and she was grateful for the conversation. We closed our day with prayer at Planned Parenthood and adoration.
Our Third Friday Initiative was moved to fall on the solemnity of the Annunciation, when Pope Francis consecrated Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. After morning Mass at St. Patrick, the congregation prayed the Holy Father’s prayer of consecration and we renewed Catholics for Life’s own consecration to Mary! Seven of us went to Planned Parenthood and counseled the first three women going in. Afterwards, we led our first-ever outreach at Otterbein University. It was the also first outreach to bless us with protestors. They held handmade signs and passed out contraception. Professors walking by ordered us not to have a conversation with the protesting students. So much for free speech and universities being the “marketplace of ideas!” We were able to talk to several students in the short time we were there though. A pro-life Protestant with Catholic family members was very interested in hearing apostolic succession and Sacred Tradition. One girl changed her mind on abortion after talking to Jeremiah. Two pro-abortion students, instead of protesting, had a very long and respectful conversation with Maggie.
Thank you for helping us continue to reach these souls! May Jesus, Our Savior, bless you through His Mother and Virginal Father with a grace-filled Triduum and Easter season!