This was our first year that I was able to work full-time for Catholics for Life, and it was our busiest year yet! 2023 included: 547 facility outreaches, including 1 in D.C.; 19 street evangelizations; 49 new volunteers from 4 new parishes; 1 mind completely changed on abortion; 21 post-abortive parents who took healing information; 9 homeless individuals ministered to; 8 trainings led for other groups; 11 trainings hosted by Catholics for Life; 248 training participants; 1 guest speaker brought in; a procession, march, and pilgrimage; 2 tabling events; 80 election outreaches (including 52 door knocking events, 11 overpass outreaches, 9 flyering events, and 8 early voting center outreaches); 5 mothers given assistance in moving, baby gifts, and/or financial support; 33 women turned away from the abortion facilities; and 29 confirmed babies saved! Over the last three years that Catholics for Life has existed, we have been able to lead 1,057 outreaches and confirm that 37 babies were rescued from abortion! We also witnessed 63 women turn-away from the abortion facilities, which means that there very well could be 100 babies (or more) alive today because of your support of our apostolate!
Focusing on December, we recruited a volunteer, gave literature to 49 mothers considering abortion, presented abortion pill reversal information to 4 mothers who just taken the first medication, one of whom broke into tears after she took it, and led an evangelization that reached 17 people with rosaries and information on the Gospel while ministering to homeless men and women. Here are some stories of the mothers our work touched: Mom M walked out of Planned Parenthood to our volunteers praying the rosary on the sidewalk and told them, “I had the needle in my arm when I decided to keep my baby!" She is not sure if the father will stand by her, but she knew she could not kill her baby! Praise God Who used our prayers from the sidewalk to move this mother’s heart in truly the last moment before she was put under for her surgical abortion!
In addition to this baby saved, a mother who we counseled at Your Choice Healthcare after her consultation did not return for her abortion pill appointment, a couple that was seven weeks pregnant with their first baby chose life, and another couple hugged as they decided to keep their baby! Five other mothers turned away from the facilities, with four of them never deciding to even enter the abortion mill. The other mother talked to us and took information but still went into Planned Parenthood. She quickly came back out, saying that she had canceled her appointment and asking for directions to the pregnancy resource center. She explained, “I do not think I can go through with an abortion! I am in really hard circumstances, but it’s only 9 months!” Please pray for these mothers and children!
I want to inform you that Anna and I decided to increase our income to $60,000 this year. That is only possible due to your generous support! May God bless you for everything you do and give to save children made in His image! We are truly grateful!