We arrived at Planned Parenthood and were filled in about the clients from the counselor there before us. She explained that she was able to give a gift bag to a pregnant fourteen-year-old being pressured into an abortion by her mother. We were able to get her boyfriend to leave their car and come down to talk to us. As he was explaining how he does not want the abortion at all, the facility door flew open, and the girlfriend ran down to us with an ultrasound photo! She yelled, “Twins! It’s twins! Here is one and there is another [pointing at the ultrasound]. Oh my God! I can’t!” She talked to us briefly saying she would consider adoption before she went back into the facility. It reminded me of a horrifying conversation I had five years ago with a father who was trying to save his twins at Founders facility. Although the young couple seemed grateful to talk to us, the girl’s mother flipped us off as they left. We took that as a good sign! They have not contacted us, so we are not sure what happened to their twins, but we have not seen them return to Planned Parenthood! Please pray for this young family, their babies, chastity, their salvation, and the conversion of this grandmother set on killing her grandchildren. Overall in June, we had two mothers confirm their babies were spared from abortion, nine other mothers turn-away and leave (this is as many as we had all year before June), two mothers take abortion pill reversal information, a post-abortive mother reach out to us, and 32 others take literature outside the facilities. Here are a few of their stories:
One day, Your Choice Healthcare was scheduled to take consultation appointments, but the abortionist never showed. Because of this, a mother took literature from us and explained, "I am probably not going to do it. I just wanted to look into it. Maybe this is a sign." A woman parked several times at Your Choice and drove around it twice. She eventually left and did not come back! People look for the facility all the time as it is very hidden, but this is the first time we have ever seen someone give up and leave. A mother leaving the facility took literature and proclaimed to us, “I couldn’t do it!” Praise God! Danielle was a mother we spoke to in March. Her boyfriend was trying to pressure her into an abortion. She could not wait to tell us that she is now 17 weeks pregnant and excited to meet her youngest child! Another mother who told us through tears that she changed her mind during her abortion pill appointment also passed us again to tell us that she is 11 weeks now! A mother who had taken the abortion pill drove by without stopping. Likely in a last-minute decision to say yes to what God was putting on her heart, she turned her car around to get information on abortion pill reversal! Pray for her baby’s life and her soul! In other good news, it appears that two doctors regularly working for Planned Parenthood quit, but within two months they seem to have recruited two new doctors. During those two months though, they were closed every single Tuesday and Friday. This was moving for us and our volunteers as these were the two days we covered from 2021-2022 when our ministry was part-time. Our two monthly days of training and outreach brought in eighteen participants and held an evangelization with a pro-life focus at a community college. We also had four new people volunteer, ministered to a homeless couple, attended the Greater Columbus Right to Life annual banquet, and presented for the Holy Name Society at St. Leo Oratory.