Multiple Torchbearers traveled to our nation’s capital for the March for Life on January 21st. We went to the National Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for the National Prayer Vigil for Life Mass with thousands. While there, we prayed for the enthronement of Our Lady of America’s statue as She requested and an end to Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs decision. The week after the march, I was blessed to do an in-person presentation to fifty people at St. Patrick Catholic Church youth group!
We have started going to Your Choice Healthcare more regularly now. Last time, we were there, we got to have an hour-long conversation with a fallen-away Catholic who is now an atheistic Satanist. Please pray for Tony to be delivered from any evil strongholds in his life and return to the Church.
Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood has started to be open regularly again. We have not seen them be closed on hardly any days this year. Their job listing for an abortion doctor was taken down and we have identified a new physician coming weekly. Please pray for the conversion of the multiple doctors who kill children there and the mill’s permanent closure.
The morning of our February Torchbearers, some of our team were sidewalk counseling before the event and saw two clients leave Planned Parenthood! One set of girls left after speaking to us and another couple stood outside their car talking to each other before deciding to leave! Praise God! We had seven people attend our Torchbearers training on abortion procedures and Dr. Levitino’s conversion after performing over 1,200 abortions. After going to Mass and receiving a blessing from a friar, we took ten people to outreach at Columbus State Community College (CSCC). While there, three people confirmed with us that they changed their minds on abortion! One of them was a young man named Reese whose mother had an abortion as a teenager. He took information from us for Bethesda Healing Ministry. He told us, “When you see pictures, it makes you think differently about it, like that’s just wrong.” Rachael spoke to a fallen away Catholic who is now apostolic. He was very interested in hearing about the Holy Spirit working in the sacraments, especially confirmation. Jojo spoke to a Catholic man who still wanted it to be legal to avoid illegal ones. Two people came up and took Catholic brochures. We also spoke to a protestant about the Eucharist and her husband who left the Catholic Church after divorce. Please say a Hail Mary that all these people enter/return to Christ’s Church.
Finally, our most exciting news is from our Third Friday event in February. We had a team of nine people go to Mass and receive a blessing. We led our pro-life focuses street evangelization at the Ohio State University (OSU). We gave out three rosaries, two Miraculous Medals, and two people stopped for pamphlets on the Catholic faith. Other than speaking to a very liberal university professor who could not explain when a human becomes valuable, our most exciting conversation was with a girl who was agnostic. Her family stopped going to church after her grandmother died, but the more she studies science the more evidence she thinks there is for a source for everything- a Creator. We spoke about evidence for God’s existence and Jesus’s resurrection. After we went over the basic kerygma with her, she took three pamphlets and even a Bible. Please pray her soul!
That same day, while at Planned Parenthood, a couple left. We offered literature with help and resources for those considering abortion, but the father exclaimed, “We don’t need that. We changed our minds! We aren’t doing it!” By God’s grace, we have helped twenty people leave Planned Parenthood, but these were the first parents to confirm they were not going through with the abortion! Join with us to intercede for this family and thank God for rescuing this baby from abortion! We thank all of you for making these efforts possible! May God bless you!