Two fifteen-year-olds, “Brittney” and “Brian,” walked out of the Columbus Planned Parenthood (PP) after coming from another state. Brittney’s mother had drove them to Ohio for an abortion.
We were able to get her boyfriend to leave their car and come down to talk to us. As he was explaining how he does not want the abortion at all, the facility door flew open, and the girlfriend ran down to us with an ultrasound photo! She yelled, “Twins! It’s twins! Here is one and there is another [pointing at the ultrasound]. Oh my God! I can’t!”
By the grace of God, we confirmed three other babies saved this month and two women who turned away from the abortion facility. Five mothers took information about healing ministries and the mercy of Christ from us as they were leaving.
“Lord, it is not to build up myself or a ministry. It is out of love for the babies who are dying.” The words of His response were a two-edged sword in Gabriel’s heart: “Then, why are you not where these children need you most urgently?”
This month, we had twelve people join us for our evangelization in downtown Columbus, Ohio, and we held our first outreaches out of Ohio during our first Catholics for Life trip to the March for Life!
We are at the abortion facilities to advocate for every child, but we realize only some mothers will respond to our pleadings to help her and her baby. We pray for them all!
This spring included some shocking discoveries: the 115 aborted babies were retrieved at the Washington Surgi Center (five of them late-term) and the leak of Justice Alito’s draft majority opinion that would overturn Roe.
Our street evangelization and even our counseling at efforts at Planned Parenthood allow us to meet and minsiter to so many with the truth of abortion and the gospel!