Forming Catholic Missionaries for Life-Saving Activism!
Catholics for Life is a lay apostolateĀ that seeks to equip Catholics to end abortion while sharing the Gospel for the salvation of souls.
Founded in 2021 and based in Columbus, OH, we lead various trainings and public outreaches to inspire activists, change hearts on abortion, bring healing, rescue children, and evangelize souls, always relying on the grace of Jesus Christ and that of His Holy Catholic Church.
Our apostolate is consecrated to Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States of America, as well as St. Joseph, asking for their intercession to save livesĀ and bring souls into a saving relationship with their Son, Jesus Christ, in His Holy Catholic Church. All that our ministry does is by Mary, with Mary, in Mary, and for Mary to bring about the greatest fruit and glory to God!
Learn more about our projects!