As months roll on this year, the only Planned Parenthood that preforms abortion in central Ohio is open less and less days. We cannot thank God enough for this! Even though they are seeing less clients, it seems just as many people are talking to us!
Many days that no staff show up, women will still pull in. Some claim to even have an appointment. There was one occasion like this where a mother showed up expecting them to be open. Even though “J” stayed in the car, her friend came down and spoke to me. She explained that “J” had two born children and was considering aborting her baby. Her friend took a lot of information and my number, promising to try to get “J” to go to the Women’s Care Center. Please pray that J’s friend talked her out of the abortion. After being closed for four Fridays in a row, Planned Parenthood did open on that day. Although they were now taking Friday appointments, we saw great fruit in reaching people as they pulled in! One woman there to get information for a friend took literature and decided not to go in at all after speaking to me. My little sister had a woman turn-away and go to Women’s Care Center for a pregnancy test. A father of a baby who was at risk of being aborted took resources. A pregnant mother who was very set on abortion took literature after speaking to me and was only inside for less than 10 minutes. In many of these situations, we will never know what happened; nevertheless, we must continue to pray for the rescue of these children and the salvation of their parents.
The sidewalks outside the abortion facility continue to provide fertile ground to share the Gospel. A man who had just got out of prison asked me for a light for his cigarette. He left taking a rosary and miraculous medal, asking to be blessed with holy water and prayed over, excited to go to a church and talk to the priest about baptism. Another man named Germaine walked over to talk to me about abortion initially, but we soon started talking about whether Jesus established the Catholic Church or not. After an hour-long conversation, he took a booklet on the true Faith. Our evangelization also continues with our first Tuesday events. In July, we held our fifth Torchbearers event for thirteen young people. We handed out rosaries and/or miraculous medals to six people and holy cards with the Gospel to many more! After a group of five Christian men offered to pray for us, they intently listened as I shared about the great gift of Our Lord truly present in the Eucharist. One man completely changed his mind on abortion after seeing preborn babies on our signs and the victims of abortion in our flyers.
Whether we are counseling outside Planned Parenthood, evangelizing on the streets, or meeting with representatives of other pro-life groups (like Ohio Right to Life this month), we are finding ways to advocate for the preborn and share Jesus Christ with souls. Thank you for being part of our ministry and making this possible! May God bless you! AMDG! All for Jesus, all through Mary and Joseph, all by God's grace,
Gabriel, Anna, Gabriel II, Leo and Henry Vance