Amica bowed her head as we prayed over her before she walked home from her abortion consultation. She did not want to abort her baby, but she felt like there was no other option. She is living in a group home looking for a job and has no idea how she could raise a child. We explained that there is more help than she could imagine, even a maternity home she can live at. Her circumstances can change and improve, but she can never undo aborting her son or daughter. She took our information, but she never reached out to us. It is mothers like Amica that we must entrust to God’s mercy and grace as we continue to pray for them. We will likely never see or hear from them again, but we allowed God to place us where we could encounter them with the love of Christ in a time of great darkness. We continue to pray that the light of Christ will enlighten their hearts!
Tianna is a mother of five who found herself unexpectedly pregnant. Although she was seriously considering abortion, she was very open. She talked for a while and listened intently to how she must love all six of her children and how living with aborting her sixth baby could affect her life being a mother to her older five children. We never saw either of these mothers return to the facility! It could have been that they passed our counselors without being recognized, but we continue to pray that they and their babies are safe!
Jocelyn was another of the dozens of mothers who stopped to talk to us and take information. We prayed for her but we never heard back from her. That was until she returned to the abortion facility to try to get her money refunded! Praise God! (The facility would not refund her, but we offered to.) If she would not have returned for the refund, we likely would never had known that her baby was saved! How many times is God using us to move hearts and rescue children that we will not be aware of this side of heaven?
Other news from the sidewalks: Our volunteer Ed spoke to a mother leaving Planned Parenthood who had changed her mind! He helped her schedule an ultrasound at the Women’s Care Center. We had a couple sit in the parking for 30 minutes before leaving. They never went in! One woman talked to our team about chastity and prayed with us as she left. Two men we met had no idea they were bringing their loved-one to an abortion facility. Each took information to offer to the mothers. We gave five mothers abortion pill reversal information, four people post-abortive healing materials, and had 49 others take literature.
You may remember the story of Julia from last month. Her boyfriend and father of her baby asked her to marry him! On the left is a photo of her on her wedding day with her daughter and son! She cannot believe how much God has blessed her since she chose life!
This month, we also led street outreaches at the Statehouse and Ohio State University this month reaching a post-abortive father, fallen-away Christian, and a man considering baptism, sharing the Gospel with many people, and handing out a Bible and ten rosaries. Thank you for helping us reach so many souls. Please entrust them all to God’s grace!