Throughout October and the first week of November, we led dozens of people in outreaches to move Ohio voters and defeat Issue 1, the deadly abortion amendment. Our staff canvassed 52 times and led groups canvassing on 9 occasions. Our staff alone knocked on the doors of over 1,300 voters. We also led groups flyering on 9 occasions reaching over 600 homes and over 7,900 cars parked at stores, a concert, and sporting events. We took banners that proclaimed “No Late-Term Abortion” and “No on 1” to 5 different overpasses for a total of 11 outreaches that reached over 121,000 cars. We also took to Count Board of Elections in Franklin and Delaware County 8 times to reach early voters. On weekend before the election, the Columbus center had a line wrapped around the building. We reached thousands waiting to vote with our words and specially designed 3x4’ signs despite abortion supporters who were there trying to stop us. One woman got out of line to pass out literature with us saying, “I can vote on Tuesday! I should join you guys!” Others joined us after voting themselves. One voter shared this with us: “I have always voted for abortion, but I found out when a baby can feel pain. Now, this is the first time I am voting against abortion.” If only more voters had this insight. So many were confused and lied to by the propaganda they saw. Many also simply refused to acknowledge the truth.
In the end, we gained 10 new volunteers and reached over 145,000 people with our signs, literature, or words. Along with those public outreaches, we made hundreds of calls and mailed hundreds of hand-addressed postcards to targeted voters, gave out and placed hundreds of signs, bumper stickers, and shirts, and organized an all-night Eucharistic Adoration Vigil the night before Election Day and all through voting hours. Despite all our prayers and work, we lost the election by 6%, a little over half-a-million votes. We can be sure that Our Lady of the Rosary was mediating all the grace from Her Son that voters needed, but people were just not open to that grace. We know our Lord did and will continue to use our efforts to save lives, but it is so terrible that we lost. We must mourn. Ohio’s Constitution now allows elective abortion until birth. Abortion supporters are now emboldened to take similar amendments to other conservative states, even those with abortion bans currently in effect. Imagine Jesus's heart. He sees each baby that is killed. He knows the gifts and beauty He is sending us and how we abandon and murder these children. We know this world is not our true home and this vote made that clearer. We live in a post-Christian culture. We must continue to share the Gospel of Life. Our society deeply needs it. We must press on by God’s grace and remain faithful to love our preborn neighbors! We must offer sacrifices in reparation for the votes and the babies killed in our state. Think of a specific way you can do this. Maybe some extra fast or penance on Fridays or Wednesdays.
Thank you for your support of our efforts to try to stop this. Jesus has won the final victory for each and every one of us, and we will receive a reward! May God bless you all! Onward for God’s glory! AMDG!